Task Manager – Python Project
In order to run a task manager program based on Python you just have to run the python file named taskmanagement.py. So, Task manager is a simple application for managing tasks where data are stored in JSON files.
Requirements needed to run the task manager program
- a. Python 3 and above version is needed to run the program.
- b. You need to install tkcalender.
>>> pip install tkcalender
Note: Tkcalender is used for the DataEntry and Calendar widgets for Tkinter.
- a. Download the repository and unzip the file.
- b. Run the python file named taskmanagement.py
- c. Enjoy managing tasks.
- a. The task contains information like the title, description, date of start, date of end.
- b. You have the ability to store several tasks in a file.
- c. You have the ability to add, remove, and edit tasks of a file.
- d. A program has standard functionalities like Open the file, Save, Save As, …… Quit Program.
List of shortcuts for task manager program
- a. <Ctrl>-<O> : Open a file
- b. <Ctrl>-<S> : Save the current file
- c. <Ctrl>-<W> : Close current file
- d. <Ctrl>-<Q> : Quit application
- e. <Alt>-<Up> : Select previous tasks (go Up in the list)
- f. <Alt>-<Down> : Select next tasks (go Down in the list)
- g. <Alt>-<D> : Delete selected task
- h. <Alt>-<A> : Toggle About Frame
- i. <Alt>-<V> : Validate changes in memory (but not on disk)
- j. <F1>: Toggle Help Frame
Results of task manager program


☺ Thanks for your time ☺
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